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Macau Volunteers Association

Chapter One General Outline
1.1 Name: The association is named "Macao Volunteers Association", the Portuguese name is "Associação de Voluntários de Serviço Social de Macau", and the pinyin name is "OU MUN I MOU KONG CHOK CHE HIP WU".
1.2 Purpose: To unite volunteer workers in Macao, strengthen public understanding of volunteer work and promote the development of voluntary work in Macao.
1.3 The club’s venue is located in Room 9.4, You Han Community Center, 3rd Floor, You Han Market, Market Street, Macau.

Chapter Two Organization Members
2.1 Members: members and volunteers.
2.2 Those who have served as volunteers can become members with the Approval of the board of directors.
2.3 Rights and obligations of members and volunteers.
2.3 Member rights
2.3.1 One priority to receive any information from the Association, priority registration rights for activities/training courses and discounts on fees; Have the priority of being recommended to represent the association to attend external events; To attend all general meetings; Members who have reached the age of eighteen and have joined the club for more than one year in the general assembly have the right to vote; Members who have reached the age of 18 and have joined the club for more than one year in the general assembly have the right to be elected.
2.3.2 Member Obligations Must show concern and support for the development of voluntary work by the Association; actively participate in the activities within the meeting; Attend the general meeting and give positive opinions and votes during the meeting; pay the dues; Try to maintain the reputation of the Association.
2.3.3 Volunteer Rights Priority to receive any information from the Association, priority registration rights for activities/training courses and discounts on fees; are recommended to represent the association to attend external activities;
2.3.4 Volunteer Obligations must show concern and support for the development of voluntary work by the Association; Actively participate in activities within the meeting; Update one's own registration information once a year; Try to maintain the reputation of the Association.
2.4 The membership is for one year, and the membership fee will be automatically renewed upon expiry. Otherwise, the membership will be suspended; those who have been in the membership for ten consecutive years and have paid the membership fee can become permanent members.
2.5 The membership fee is 20 yuan per year (paid once a year), and permanent members can be exempted from paying the membership fee.
2.6 Punishment
2.6.1 If a member commits an act that is harmful to the reputation of the Association, the member has the right to suspend or cancel its membership after voting by the board of directors.
2.6.2 Volunteers who commit acts that damage the reputation of the Association shall have the right to suspend or cancel their membership in the Association after voting by the board of directors.
Volunteer qualifications of the Association.

Chapter Three Organizational Structure
3.1 General Assembly:
3.1.1 The General Assembly is the highest decision-making power organization of the Association.
3.1.2 The general meeting has a president, vice-presidents and secretary. The president is responsible for presiding over the general meeting.
3.1.3 The general meeting is composed of all members.
3.1.4 The general meeting of members shall be held at least once a year.
3.1.5 The board of directors has the right to convene a special general meeting.
3.1.6 A special general meeting can be convened upon the request of two-thirds of the members.
3.1.7 The convening of any general meeting must be notified to all members by registered mail or sign-off eight days in advance. The date, time, place and agenda of the meeting should be indicated in the convening letter.
3.1.8 Resolutions of the General Assembly: After the first convening, the general meeting can only make a resolution if not less than half of the members are present. If less than half of the members are present, the second meeting will be held in half an hour; there will be no limit on the number of members.
3. 1.9 Members who are unable to attend the general meeting can authorize other members to attend the meeting in writing, and authorized members can represent up to two members who are unable to attend.
3. 2 Council:
3.2.1 The board of directors is the executive organ of the association, responsible for planning and executing the affairs of the association, and promoting the development of the association.
3. 2. 2. The board of directors shall be composed of seven or more members elected in an odd number. The members of the board of directors are elected in the general meeting, and they mutually elect a chairman, several vice-chairmen, a secretary-general, and a chief financial officer. When there are vacancies in the board of directors, suitable members may be invited to serve, but they must be ratified at the next general meeting or special general meeting. Executive Committee: The second secretary's meeting is an executive organization under the board of directors. It has positions such as secretary, director or group leader. The board of directors invites members to serve in accordance with the needs of the meeting. It is held at least with the board of directors every month An executive meeting to assist the council in carrying out its affairs and carrying out activities. Consultants: the board of directors invites relevant persons to serve as honorary consultants and professional consultants as needed
3.3 The Board of Supervisors:
3.3.1 The Board of Supervisors is responsible for supervising the administrative operations, conference affairs and financial status of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors, and attends as non-voting delegates.
Board meetings and administrative meetings (at least one supervisor must be present at the above meetings to be valid),
The three elected members are composed of the chairman of the board of supervisors, the deputy board of supervisors and the secretary.

Chapter Four Election and Term of Office
4.1 Election
4.1.1 The president, vice president and secretary of the general meeting are elected in the general meeting. If the members of the aforementioned general meeting are not present, the elected members shall preside over the meeting.
4.1.2  Members of the board of directors are elected in the general assembly.
4.1.3 Members of the board of supervisors are elected in the general meeting.
4.2 Term of office
4.2.1 The term of office of the president, vice president and secretary of the general assembly is two years, and they can be re-elected and re-elected.
4. 2.2 The term of office of all seats in the board of directors is two years, and they can be re-elected and re-elected, but the chairman of the board can only be re-elected for one term.
4.2.3 The term of office of members of the Board of Supervisors is two years, and they can be re-elected and re-elected.
4.2.4 Who are proposed by the board of directors and approved by the general meeting to appoint those who have contributed to the association as honorary presidents or honorary members.
Chapter Five Method of Counting Votes for Decisions
5.1 All members, one vote per person. Members who are unable to attend may authorize in writing to vote on their behalf.
5.2 The resolution of the general meeting of members shall be carried out with one vote per member. Any resolution must be passed by an absolute majority of the members (including authorized votes) in order to be valid.
Chapter Six Finance
6.1 The source of funding for the association includes: membership dues, event surplus, group or individual sponsorship and donations, government funding and other legal income.
6.2 All assets of the association are managed by the board of directors.

Chapter Seven Revision of the Chapter
           Any amendments to the articles of association of the Association shall be subject to the approval of the general meeting of the members to be effective.

The general meeting passed the plan on January 13, 2020
*The content is translated by GOOGLE Translate.